Psychological Adviser: Occupational Safety and Health, Human Resource Management and Leadership Development, Coaching, Assessment Center, Management Audit, Polygraphy
Lecturer for Human Resource Management and Managing Organizations: HTW Berlin, University of Applied Sciences, International Business Degree Programme
Head of Leadership Development: HUK Coburg Insurances
Leadership Development Consultant: Allianz SE
Rehabilitation Psychologist: MediClin AG (Asklepios Group)
Research Staff Member: Düsseldorf University
Rehabilitation Psychology
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) definesrehabilitation as "a process aimed at enabling people to reach and
maintain their optimal physical, sensory, intellectual, psychological and social functional levels."
Markus Krost
Certificate in Human Resource Mangement, DAA Berlin
Certificate in Human Performance Improvement, ASTD (USA)
Specialist Rehabilitation Psychology, BDP
Internal Auditor DIN ISO 45001, VDSI and Steinbeis Akademie International Business and Risk Management
Psychological First Aid, Johns Hopkins University (USA)
Publications (Selection)
Psychologischer Arbeitsschutz 4.0. In: Fachkräfte für Arbeitssicherheit – Taschenbuch 2022, S. 20-25. Universum Verlag
Servant Leadership. Die Führungskraft als Diener? Zeitschrift für Personalführung
A new methodological approach to the study of habituation: the use of positive and negative behavioral indices of habituation.Journal of Neuroscience